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- Contacts
Name of a company: VILITEK LLC
Address: 5 Ostapovsky proezd, bldg 6, Moscow, 109316 Russia
Tel.: +7 495 545-07-08
Fax: +7 495 221-05-76
E-mail: info@vilitek.ru
Our Instagram @vilitek
Our Youtube channel VilitekRuTv
Office hours: 9-00 – 18-00
You can get to our company in the following way: metro station “Volgogradskiy prospect”, subway car № 1 from the center, when leaving the subway turn left. You can use free minibuses or buses which arrive at the Business-Center “Contact” (the beginning of their work 07:30 from the metro station “Volgogradskiy prospect”, the end - 19:30 from the Business-Center “Contact”). You should get out at the bus stop № 3 in the territory of the Business-Center “Contact” (building 6).
A location map of the office: